You may recall the day you learned of your loved one’s death with great detail and clarity. On the other hand, perhaps you can’t really remember much of anything that happened in the near aftermath of tragedy. After receiving a phone call, informing you of a terrible accident, your whole world seemed to come to a screeching halt. In the days and weeks that followed, you wondered if you’d survive your own grief.
No two people experience the mourning process in exactly the same way. Your loved one may have been a perfectly healthy individual who had merely gotten into his or her car to go to the store or travel to work, when a distracted or intoxicated driver caused a collision. In situations like that, great frustration and anger often accompany grief because family members surviving their loved ones realize the accidents were entirely preventable if not for driver negligence.
Coming to terms with grief
Nothing can replace your family member’s life. While you understand that things will never be the same, you also hope to work your way through your grief so you learn to live as best you can without your loved one. You may also have questions regarding legal issues associated with your loved one’s death. It’s always a good idea to know how to quickly access support. The following information may be useful as you work your way through a tragic situation:
- You’ve likely heard the saying that time heals all wounds. Sorrow will probably never fully disappear when you remember your great loss, but it is often possible to move beyond grief and once again experience joy in life. Allowing yourself time and space to grieve may be the key factor of your healing process.
- Licensed counselors and faith leaders often help guide grieving families through the mourning process. Whether you seek counseling as a family or individually, you may find such guidance a tremendous source of support in your time of need.
- Speaking with others who have gone through similar experiences may also help you come to terms with the sudden death of your loved one. Especially concerning the roller coaster of emotions that typically accompanies such situations, leaning on others who relate to how you’re feeling can provide much-needed encouragement.
Recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses can also help you cope with sudden, expected death. If you know, for instance, that certain issues seem to intensify your grief, you can try to avoid those situations.
Addressing post-accident legal problems
Sadly, careless drivers cause devastation for families in Hawaii and throughout the nation when innocent people suffer untimely deaths because of others’ negligent driving behaviors. Many family members of fatal accident victims say part of their healing processes involve pursuing justice on their loved ones’ behalves in court.