Pedestrians face diverse threats whether they are walking to work or simply getting some exercise. Unfortunately, some are struck by drunk drivers or drivers who fail to pay attention to the road. Moreover, there are certain times when pedestrians face an even greater risk of being struck and when pedestrian accidents are more common due to increased traffic. For example, Halloween can be especially dangerous for those who go door-to-door while trick-or-treating. Our law firm knows that pedestrian accidents can be very emotional for victims and those they love, which highlights how crucial it is for parents and children to be mindful during Halloween. Sadly, reckless drivers will continue to destroy lives.
Halloween can be especially dangerous with regard to pedestrian accidents in different ways. For starters, there are more pedestrians in many communities as children are walking around in costumes. However, this holiday can also be dangerous due to an increase in intoxicated drivers. Sadly, some people get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol at a bar or taking drugs at a party, putting the lives of pedestrians and others on the road at risk. If your Halloween was shattered because of an irresponsible driver, you should carefully look over your legal options and work towards restoring normalcy in your life.
Unfortunately, more and more pedestrians will be struck by reckless drivers on future Halloweens and other days of the year. Our firm believes that pedestrians whose lives have been thrown into chaos and their loved ones deserve a voice. Over on our personal injury page, you can view more related to pedestrian accidents.